Accessory Belt
Replaces 4 Nails and a Hammer
Quick - Quiet
Light Weight
5 ft. Strap
4 Clips
Price: $13.50 or 2 for $25.00
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Cannot Fire Release
Designed to help increase bow sales by reducing the number of Dry Fires
Use when drawing a bow to check draw length, or feel of bow in hand. Great as an inexpensive exercise
device to gain draw weight.
Price: $12.00 or 2 for $20.00
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Climbing Stand Stabilizer Straps (pair)
Keep your tree stand, and you in the tree. Helps stabilize the top part of self climbing stands while hunting. Tethers top part of climber to platform while climbing. Sinches both parts together tightly while carrying through the woods.
Price: $25.00 or 2 for $45.00
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Crossbow Holder / Universal Treestand Bow Holder
Fits All Stands, Holds All Crossbows
The Third Hand Tree Stand Crossbow Holder can be easily mounted to the outside edge of wood, steel or aluminum tree stands, often without drilling. It keeps bows in a ready position next to the hunter’s seat and gives the hunter a full range of motion on the platform.
Price: $25.00 2 for $45.00 4 for $85.00
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Crossbow Hunters Package
Tree Stand Bow Holder (D),
Tree Stand Treads (A),
Set of Stabilizer Straps (B),
and a Foot Rest (C)
Price: $85.00
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DIY Blank Practice Target (set of 2 : 3 x 3)
DIY 3'x3' blank skins
For the do it yourselfers who want the longest lasting, least expensive 3'x3'x whatever depth you need.
Price: $30.00 2 for $55.00 6 for $150.00
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DIY Blank Target Skins (set of 2 : 4 x 4)
Blank target skins for do-it-yourselfers to build your own range targets. They are 48" x 48" .. set of 2.
Price: $35.00 or 2 for $65.00
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DIY Range Target Skins (2 Animal : 3 x 3)
Animal face for do-it-yourselfers to build your own range targets. They are 36"x36".
Price: $35.00 or 2 for $65.00
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DIY Range Target Skins (2 TicTacToe : 3 x 3)
Tic Tac Toe face for do-it-yourselfers to build your own range targets. They are 36"x36".
Price: $35.00 or 2 for $65.00
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DIY Target Skins (1 Animal 1 TicTacToe : 3 x 3)
Animal target face on one side and Tic-Tac-Toe face on the other for do-it-yourselfers to build your own range targets. They are 36"x36" and one set consists of the 2 different faces - one on each side.
Click here to order a set of 2 Tic-Tac-Toe faces
Click here to order a set of 2 Animal faces
For the combination set, just click the "Add to Basket" button below
Price: $35.00 or 2 for $65.00
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Hip Clip
Easy to use string bow holder!
The Hip Clip is a handy device that bow hunters and
target shooters will want at their side. Whether in the
woods or a treestand, and while trekking around the 3D
course, archers find this an easy way to carry their bows.
The Hip Clip is made of tire rubber about 1.5" wide. There is a V taper that the string hangs in. In the bottom of the V there is a parallel 1/32" slot that the serving gets trapped in by the weight of the bow. It will not slide unless you accidentally catch a limb or something pulls on it. It will not open till about 30 lbs of downward force is put on it. At that point it will open rather than possibly breaking something.
Price: $12.50 or 2 for $20.00
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Kentucky Bow Carrier
The Kentucky Bow Carrier is the accessory belt and hip clip combined.
This is a handy device that bow hunters and target shooters will want at their side. Whether in the
woods or a tree stand, and while trekking around the 3D
course, archers find this an easy way to carry their bows.
Price: $20.00 or 2 for $35.00
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Kentucky Bow Rope 30 Feet
Designed for the “High Rise” Bow Hunter
30 Foot long, rot resistant, camo rope with quick release hook.
Stock Strap
Price: $7.00 2 for $10.00 5 for $20.00
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Kentucky Bowhunters Package
Tree Stand Bow Holder
Hip Clip
Accessory Belt
Set of 2 Stabilizer Straps
Price: $70.00
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Kentucky Bowhunters Package Plus
Tree Stand Bow Holder
Hip Clip
Accessory Belt
Set of 2 Stabilizer Straps
Foot Rest
Price: $80.00
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Kentucky Multi-Hook
Use the Kentucky Multi-Hook to TEMPORARILY hold a hang on a stand while hanging another stand
Price: $10.00 or 3 for $25.00
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Ladder Stand Package
Includes: Hip Clip, Accessory belt and Universal Tree Stand bow holder
Price: $42.00
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McKenzie Score Card Holder
The Third Hand Score Card Holder shows arrow placement
including the new 12-ring on the McKenzie Natura-Look and HD
Targets - all on one clip board. In addition to showing arrow placement, it also holds score cards and gives the score keeper a solid surface to write on.
Price: $13.50 or 2 for $25.00
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Parallel Limb Ground Bow Holder
Keeps Parallel limb bows in position and ready to use!
Whether in the woods or target shooting in the back yard, this lightweight,
portable bow holder is a must for archers.
For straight limb bows or re-curves, lean the bow holder back when pushing it in the ground.
Price: $15.00 2 for $25.00 6 for $65.00
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Pro Puller
Touted as the best arrow puller on the market!
A favorite among top archers, the Pro Puller has the reputation of being one of the best arrow pullers on the market. The specially designed bar grip is large enough to fit all arrow sizes, yet small enough to pull arrows from tight arrow groups. The molded finger grips and the V-tapered compression channel give the Pro Puller extra pulling power. The Pro Puller now has a new feature called a “point wrench” which is molded into the product.
Price: $12.50 or 2 for $20.00
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Rag Bag Target Covers (28x36)
Bag Extra Savings with Practice Target Covers
Cut target costs by eliminating the most expensive part of the target... the bulky material inside and the freight to ship it to you. The 28" x 36" Third Hand Archery target bag is one of the most durable bag covers on the market. This cover is made of extra heavy-duty poly and has an easy-to-seal velcro top. The tough cover material resists damage done by sunlight, rain and arrow punctures.
Price: $34.00 2 for $60.00 6 for $165.00
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Rinehart Arrow Placement Scorecard Holders
The Third Hand Score Card Holder shows arrow placement
including the new 12-ring on the Rinehart Arrow Placement Scorecard Holders - all on one clip board. In addition to showing arrow placement, it also holds score cards and gives the score keeper a solid surface to write on.
Price: $13.50 or 2 for $25.00
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Saddle Hunters Package
Saddle Hunters Package
Accessory Belt
Hip Clip
Kentucky Multi-hook
Kentucky bow rope
Total price bought individually would be $41
Price: $35.00
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SS Footrest and Drag
The simple solution for a more comfortable stay on a Sit and Climb stand. Slightly elevating the feet above the metal stand helps keep the feet warmer. Doubles as a great deer drag
Price: $24.00 or 2 for $40.00
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Summit Climbing Package
Secure, Silent, Ready
Designed to fit Summit Climbing Stands
Tree Stand Bow Holder
Stabilizer Straps
Tree Stand Treads
Price: $65.00
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Tree Stand Gun Hoist
Designed for Rifles and Shotguns
Firearm must be unloaded before using this product.
Price: $22.00 or 2 for $40.00
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Treestand Treads
Quieter * Safer * Warmer
2"x17" Peel and stick textured rubber treads. Designed to fit Summit platforms. Can be cut to custom fit other stands.
Packaged in a set of 6
Price: $25.00 or 2 for $45.00
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Ultimate Bowhunters Package
Everything you need to make the Summit Climber the best it can be.
Tree Stand Bow Holder
Hip Clip
Accessory Belt
Stabilizer Straps
Tree Stand Treads
Foot Rest
Deer Drag
Price: $100.00
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Universal Tree Stand Bow Holder
Wide limb bow holder
Fits All Stands, Holds All Bows
The Third Hand Tree Stand Bow Holder can be easily mounted to the outside edge of wood, steel or aluminum tree stands, often without drilling. It keeps bows in a ready position next to the hunter’s seat and gives the hunter a full range of motion on the platform.
Price: $25.00 2 for $45.00 4 for $85.00
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